
Peterborough Periodontists

Peterborough Periodontists

Benefits of using a mouthwash

Mouthwash provides a good contribution to our daily oral health care. It is best if used after a full routine of brushing and flossing, because if mouthwash is diluted with water it loses its effectiveness. It has the most benefits when rinsing for a full 30 seconds or more, and be sure to use a timer, "it’s longer than we think."

All mouthwashes will help with reducing the amount of plaque and bacteria in those areas of the mouth which are difficult to brush and floss. However, certain rinses provide extra advantages and protection. For example, a mouthwash with fluoride will help with reducing the occurrence of cavities and some mouthwashes aid with reducing dry-mouth. Non-alcohol based mouthwashes will reduce the stinging sensation for individuals with sensitive teeth and some are prescribed by the dentist to aid with helping gingival and periodontal issues. There are also dyed mouthwashes which will highlight remaining plaque and bacteria that have been missed after brushing. This is a great aid to help kids with their brushing if they are old enough to properly swish with mouthwash.

Make sure to ask at your next dental visit if a mouthwash would benefit with your oral health and which kind would work best for you!

Peterborough Dentist, Periodontist Near Me, Peterborough Periodontist, Kawarthas Perio, Lindsay Periodontist,

Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Gum Disease Risk Factors - Protect your smile!

The main cause of periodontal (gum) disease is plaque. When plaque hardens it turns into calculus/tartar and if not properly removed it can cause tooth decay and/or periodontal disease. This is why it is important to visit your dentists/hygienist/periodontist regularly, every 3-6 months, for your dental cleaning and check up.

Other factors that can affect the health of your gums are:

  • AGE
For more info on gum disease be sure to talk to one of our periodontal professionals.

Peterborough Periodontists, Dentists in Peterborough, Kawarthas periodontists, Lindsay Dentists, Best periodontist in Oshawa,

Dr. Annabel Braganza

Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 

Do you have irregular saliva flow?

 Saliva, or spit, plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. It is derived from blood and acts as the bloodstream of the mouth. What this means is, like blood, saliva helps build and maintain the health of soft and hard tissues. When saliva flow is reduced oral health problems such as tooth decay and other oral infections can occur. Your dentist/periodontist can recommend various methods to restore moisture. Sugar-free candy or gum stimulates saliva flow, and moisture can be replaced by using artificial saliva and oral rinses. Chewing is the most efficient way to stimulate salivary flow. It causes muscles to compress the salivary glands and release saliva.

Saliva also:

  • Washes away food and debris from teeth and gums
  • Helps moisten and break down food to ease swallowing and enhances ability to taste
  • Provides disease-fighting substances throughout your mouth to help prevent cavities and other infections
  • Helps keep the surface of your teeth strong by providing high levels of calcium, fluoride and phosphate ions at the tooth surface.

In addition to keeping your mouth healthy, saliva may contain indicators of health concerns as well. Since it shares many properties with blood, the use of saliva to detect and diagnose oral diseases and other diseases that could affect your general health is being studied. Researchers have reported promising results in the use of saliva for the diagnosis of breast cancer, oral cancers, gum disease and viral hepatitis. Saliva is already used for rapid HIV testing.

Peterborough periodontist

Peterborough Implant and Gum Specialist

Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist

1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 


Check your mouth regularly to protect your oral and overall health!

Look for signs of gum disease:

* Red, shiny, puffy, sore or sensitive gums
* Bleeding when brushing of flossing
* Bad breath that will not go away

Look for signs of oral cancer:

* Bleeding or open sores that don't heal
* White or red patches
* Numbness or tingling
* Small Lumps and thickening on the sides or  bottom or your tongue, the floor or roof of your mouth the inside of your cheeks or on your gums

Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Periodontal Gum Measurements - Peterborough Gum Specialist

Periodontal, also known as gum or pocket measurement is an evaluation performed by a dental professional, which involves measuring the health of your gums and supporting bone structure for your teeth. Bone loss is first caused by an accumulation of plaque and bacteria around a tooth and if the bacterium isn't removed properly it causes gum inflammation and in later stages, if left untreated, will eventually lead to bone loss.

A way of detecting periodontal disease is through taking periodontal measurements of each tooth at a dental visit. These measurements help us determine the overall health of the supporting structure of the teeth. A normal, healthy measurement will read from 1-3 mm and the deeper the reading the more severe the problem. To help treat moderate stages (4-6 mm) your hygienist may recommend a deeper cleaning with more frequent visits to help stop the effects of periodontitis. However, if more advanced stages are noted surgery may be needed with a referral to a periodontist (gum specialist).

Ways to help reduce periodontal measurements and maintain healthy gums:
- Brushing: Practicing proper oral hygiene daily, through brushing  at least 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes.
- Flossing: Daily flossing is very important when it comes to gum health, because it goes between your teeth and under your gums to help reduce bacterial build-up where a toothbrush can’t reach.
- Eating a well-balanced diet.
- Maintaining regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning.
- Don’t smoke: Smoking increases your risk of periodontal disease.

Peterborough Periodontist, Oshawa Periodontist, Kawarthas Periodontist, Dentist in Peterborough,

Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 

Have you been putting off your treatment due to fear, phobia or because you find it difficult to sit still?

Sedation Dentistry - Peterborough Periodontists

For the comfort of our patients we do everything possible to ensure the best treatment in a comfortable and calming environment which includes sedition dentistry. Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedatives during treatment.

At Braganza Periodontics we offer two types of sedation, oral sedation and nitrous oxide. Sedation is popular with patients that have dental phobias, are afraid of needles and for patients that find it difficult to sit still. Administering oral sedation or nitrous oxide puts the patient at ease so that treatment can be done more efficiently.

Oral sedation refers to administering a pill before treatment so the patient is at ease while awake.

Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is administered throughout the treatment and has a calming effect.

For more information on sedation dentistry be sure to contact one of or periodontal professionals.

Peterborough Periodontist

Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist

Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 

Aging and Dental Health

As you age, it becomes even more important to take good care of your teeth and dental health. One common misconception is that losing your teeth is inevitable. This is not true. If cared for properly, your teeth can last a lifetime. Your mouth changes as you age.
The nerves in your teeth can become smaller, making your teeth less sensitive to cavities or other problems. If you don’t get regular dental exams, this in turn can lead to these problems not being diagnosed until it is too late.
If you want to feel good, stay healthy, and look great throughout life, you might be surprised what a difference a healthy mouth makes.

Here are some tips for maintaining and improving your oral health:

  • Brush twice a day with a toothbrush with soft bristles. You may also benefit from using an electric toothbrush.
  • Clean between your teeth once a day with floss or another interdental cleaner.
  • If you wear full or partial dentures, remember to clean them on a daily basis. Take your dentures out of your mouth for at least four hours every day. It’s best to remove them at night.
  • Drink tap water. Since most contains fluoride, it helps prevent tooth decay no matter how old you are.
  • Quit smoking. Besides putting you at greater risk for lung and other cancers, smoking increases problems with gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss.
  • Visit your dentist. Visit your dentist regularly for a complete dental check-up.
By adopting healthy oral habits at home, making smart choices about diet and lifestyle, and seeking regular dental care, you can help your teeth last a lifetime—whether you have your natural teeth, implants or wear dentures. (ADA)
Dr. Annabel Braganza – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 

Do you have gum disease?

Peterborough Periodontists

Gum disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the soft tissue and bone around the teeth. Although it might have minimal or no symptoms, this disease is considered a serious health condition that may lead to tooth loss.
The best way to reduce your chances of having gum disease is to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Some common warning signals of gum disease include:
  • Bleeding gums when brushing
  • Redness and swollen gums
  • Loose and/or separating teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums that make the teeth look longer
  • Change in your bite
  • Dentures that do not fit anymore
For more information or if you think you might be at risk of gum disease contact our office or be sure to ask one of our dental professionals at your next dental visit.

Dr. Annabel Braganza - Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885


Chronic gingivitis is common in children. It usually causes gum tissue to swell, turn red and bleed easily. Gingivitis is both preventable and treatable with a regular routine of brushing, flossing and professional dental care. However, left untreated, it can eventually advance to more serious forms of periodontal disease.

Aggressive periodontitis can affect young people who are otherwise healthy. Localized aggressive periodontitis is found in teenagers and young adults and mainly affects the first molars and incisors. It is characterized by the severe loss of alveolar bone, and ironically, patients generally form very little dental plaque or calculus.

Generalized aggressive periodontitis may begin around puberty and involve the entire mouth. It is marked by inflammation of the gums and heavy accumulations of plaque and calculus. Eventually it can cause the teeth to become loose.

Peterborough Periodontists, Kawarthas Dentists, Dental Offices in Peterborough,

Dr. Annabel Braganza - Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Proper way to floss


Flossing removes plaque and bacteria that you cannot reach with your toothbrush. If you don't floss, you are missing more than one-third of your tooth surface. Plaque is the main cause of gum disease. It is an invisible bacterial film that develops on your teeth every day.

Within 24 to 36 hours, plaque hardens into tartar (also called calculus), which can only be removed by professional cleaning. Floss at least once a day, and plaque never gets the chance to harden into tartar. Getting into the habit of daily flossing is easier when you floss while doing something else like watching TV or listening to music, for example.

How to floss your teeth

Step 1

Take a length of floss equal to the distance from your hand to your shoulder.Wrap it around your index and middle fingers, leaving about two inches between your hands.

Step 2

Slide the floss between your teeth and wrap it into a "C" shape around the base of the tooth and gently under the gumline. Wipe the tooth from base to tip two or three times.

Step 3

Be sure to floss both sides of every tooth. Don't forget the backs of your last molars. Go to a new section of the floss as it wears and picks up particles.

Information as per the Canadian Dental Association

Braganza Periodontics – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist

Dr. Annabel Braganza - Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist

1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6

Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Dental Cleaning - Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a teeth cleaning above and below the gum-line all the way down to the bottom of the pockets of the teeth. The scaling part is when your dentist, periodontist or hygienist removes all the plaque and tartar from your teeth and the root planing part is the smoothing out of your teeth roots to help your gums reattach to your teeth. For some, this deep cleaning, may take more than one visit to complete and may require a local anesthetic.

It is normal to have tooth sensitivity for up to a week as the gums are healing around the teeth after a deep dental cleaning. Your gums also may also be swollen, feel tender and bleed.

Your dentist or periodontist will also schedule a follow up visit to see how your gums have healed and measure the depth of your pockets. If they have gotten deeper, more treatment may be needed.

Good dental care at home is essential to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft brush, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, avoid using tobacco and see your dentist and/or periodontist regularly.

Braganza Periodontics – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Are Dental Implants Susceptible to Gum Disease?

One of the best ways to replace a missing tooth is a dental implant as they function just like your natural teeth. It is very important however, to remember that just as a natural tooth they are capable of becoming diseased. It is imperative to take care of them and keep them clean at all times with proper oral health home care and visiting your dentists or periodontist regularly. With proper care your dental implant can last a lifetime.

Signs of peri-implant diseases are similar to symptoms of gum disease: red or tender gums around the implants, or bleeding when brushing. And just like your natural teeth, implants require regular tooth brushing and flossing and regular check-ups from a dental professional. Other risks factors for developing peri-implant disease include previous periodontal disease diagnosis, poor plaque control, smoking, and diabetes. It is essential to routinely monitor dental implants as part of a comprehensive periodontal evaluation. (ADA)

Best Dentist in Peterborough, Dental Implants Peterborough, Lindsay Periodontist,

Braganza Periodontics – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist

Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885

Best Toothpaste For You and Your Family!

With so many types, brands and flavours of toothpaste, it can sometimes be overwhelming choosing the right one for you and your family. Truth is, you can't really go wrong with any toothpaste as long as it carries the Canadian Dental Association Seal. Simple way to choose: The one you like enough to use every single day!

With this being said, different toothpastes offer different benefits in addition to cleaning your teeth. Some of which are: Tartar Control, Whitening, Sensitivity, Cavity Protection and Gum Protection.

For more information you can always contact one of our friendly dental professionals.

Peterborough Periodontists, Kawarthas Dentists, Lindsay Peterborough, Oshawa Periodontists, Peterborough,

Braganza Periodontics – Peterborough Periodontist, Dental Implant and Gum Specialist
Dr. Annabel Braganza
Peterborough Periodontist, Gum and Dental Implant Specialist
1119 Clonsilla Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y6
Call Us Today: 705-741-1885